Group Classes

What is Functional Fitness?

 Functional fitness training is strength training that readies your body for daily activities. This form of high intensity interval training is a mix of strength and conditioning designed to improve the quality of your day to day life all while being surrounded by a supportive community. As we age, our ability to support ourselves through activities needed in everyday life decreases without some form of support. You might be lifting a barbell in class, but the real purpose is to easily lift your child or carry in all the grocery bags to avoid a dreaded second trip. Regardless of age or ability, Functional Fitness is made to help you move better, feel better, and perform better.

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Group classes at The Training Room Nola

Our Competitive Advantage in Our Group Classes

Not only are our coaches highly certified when it comes to fitness, but they are all athletes as well. Some are physical therapists. All are dedicated to helping members move better than when they came in. We take the guesswork out of your workouts all while keeping you safe and showing you that fitness can actually be fun too. 

On top of that our supportive community will keep you accountable and push you in ways you didn’t think were possible.

How we Approach Functional Fitness

Every workout is an opportunity for you to get 1% better than the day before. Sometimes it’s lifting a little heavier or running a little farther and other times it’s a victory just to show up and carve out an hour for yourself. While we workout together in classes, we believe that the workout can be tailored and as unique to the individual doing it. Each workout can be scaled in movement and intensity so that everyone gets a great workout all while still getting to enjoy the incredible community and supportive atmosphere of group classes.

For the Beginners

While we want everyone to get a great workout in every time they come to a class, our top priority is safety. Beginners will be scheduled for 4 one-on-one Onboarding sessions with a coach to teach them the fundamental movements. From there they will jump into group classes armed with a great foundation of movements.
Post Surgical Therapy
Fitness Injury

For the Everyday Athlete

 We know that the ideas of lifting barbells and pushing sleds can be intimidating. But most of our members are weekend warriors just like you. If you want to continue to enjoy the things you love as you age and not just get by, then our group classes are the perfect fit for you.

For the Competitive Athlete

Each class is thought out from beginning to end. From the warm-up written by one of our Physical Therapists to a strength or skill session designed to get you stronger and ending with a conditioning, heart-pumping workout meant to push you and make you stronger physically and mentally. If you’re looking to get in the best shape of your life and explore your full human potential, our programming and coaches will be there to guide you on your journey.

Get Started Today

We know that starting something new can be scary. But we believe that everybody and every body can not only do these functional fitness movements, but use them to become the best and strongest version of themselves. Whether you’re a grandparent looking to keep up with little ones or an athlete hoping to take their training to the next level, then our classes are for you. When you’re ready, we can’t wait to meet you. Schedule your first class, on us, today.
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